You can freely download the level-editor for Lemmings/Lemmini by clicking on the link below.

Download jLevelBuilder
downloaded 2297 times
current version: beta 1.88 / june 2021

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Main Features:
Save & Load level-editor's .xml files
Save & Load Lemmings's .lvl files
Save & Load Lemmini's .ini files
Load a background image (.bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png, ...) to use as a template for your level
"Brush" mode ("fixed", "random", and "fill-area" modes)
"Path" mode (straight-line paths, hand-drawn paths, circle paths, Bezier curves)
Set in real-time the number of items to be created along the paths
Clone items
Mirror items (horizontally & vertically) + see mirror previews
Rotate items
Use items as erasers
"Auto-Steel" option to auto-add Steel items
"Lazy" option to generate random items in the level
"Shuffle" option to randomize location of level's items
Use your own Math formulas to set items' location
Collision masks (horizontal & vertical) to quickly align items
Mark your most-used items as Favorites for quick access
Group several items into a new single item
Easily add or subtract items from selection
Lock selection (can't add or subtract items from current selection)
Freeze selection (can't modify items' position or attributes)
Save and reload selections (quicksaves of selections)
Save and reload complete levels (quicksaves of complete levels)
Snap grid (and freely-editable "auto-snap" settings)
Quickly align items horizontally and vertically
Zoom window
Level map
Display your level's mask (solid area, 1-direction walls, Steel area)
Thumbnail list of available items for quick selections
List of items used in the level
Switch between different graphic layers to filter displayed items
Switch between different selection modes to filter item selections
Place items on Background, Middleground, or Foreground layer
Swap items' display order
Undo/Redo operations
Keyboard shortcuts for quick access to main options
Easy edition of your own keyboard shortcuts
Easy edition of your level's properties (name, timer, level's size, ...)
Easy management of tilesets (add your own tilesets)
Export your levels as images (.png, .gif)
Edit GUI's layout and size to meet your needs (editor can virtually run on monitors of any size)
Level-editor suitable for making levels for Lemmings or for any other 2D game
Available for PC/MAC/Unix-Linux (Java software)
Easy installation

[ Using GUI ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Toggle "Commands" menu on/off           SPACE           display/hide shortcuts for level-editor's main features ("Quick Edit" mode)           N/A
Toggle "Edition Tools" panel on/off           ****Numpad 0           display/hide "Edition Tools" panel           N/A
Toggle "Floating Tileset" window on/off           PAUSE           display/hide "Floating Tileset" window           N/A
Toggle "Math formula" window on/off           @           display/hide "Math formula" window           N/A
Zoom level           z
or CTRL + mouse wheel
          zoom the level (x1 => x2 => x4 => x8 => x1 => ...)           N/A
Toggle "Zoom" window on/off           SHIFT + z           display/hide "Zoom" window           N/A
Toggle "Key Configuration" window on/off           SHIFT + k           display/hide "Key Configuration" window           N/A
Scroll level up/down           mouse wheel           in zoomed view, scroll level up/down           N/A
Scroll level left/right           SHIFT + mouse wheel           in zoomed view, scroll level left/right           N/A

[ Item Generation: Brush Mode ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Toggle "Brush" mode on/off           b           *draw entities while holding mouse's button
(WARNING! using "Brush" + complex "Favorites" is heavy on CPU!)
Toggle "Random Brush" mode on/off           CTRL + b           *draw random entities while holding mouse's button
(WARNING! using "Brush" + complex "Favorites" is heavy on CPU!)
Set Brush's timer           arrows           in "(Random) Brush" mode, set the timer (per 0.1 second) between two entity creations           N/A
Toggle "Fill-Area Brush" mode on/off           SHIFT + b           *drag your mouse to set an area to be filled with entities           N/A
Set Brush's density           arrows           in "Fill-Area Brush" mode, set the density of entities used to fill the area           N/A

[ Item Generation: Path Modes ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Toggle "Straigth Path" mode on/off           p           *draw straight lines, and add entities along these lines
(WARNING! using long paths + complex "Favorites" will take minutes to achieve!)
Toggle "Curved Path" mode on/off           CTRL + p           hand-draw a path, and add entities along this path
(WARNING! using long paths + complex "Favorites" will take minutes to achieve!)
Toggle "Path" mode (Bezier curves) on/off           SHIFT + p           *draw straight lines, then turn them into Bezier curves, and add entities along this path
(WARNING! using long paths + complex "Favorites" will take minutes to achieve!)
Set spacing between entities on path           arrows           in "Straight/Curved Path" mode, set spacing between entities on path,
and if about to commit a circle path, then set spacing between entities in circle instead
Set Bezier curve's smoothness           arrows           in "Bezier Curve" mode, set curve's smoothness
(the higher, the heavier on CPU)
Add new segment to straight path           mouse click           in "Straight Path" mode, click to add a new segment to path           N/A
Commit path           p           commit path           N/A
Commit path as a circle path           SHIFT + p           after having drawn a single-segment-made path (=circle's radius),
commit path as a circle, using the drawn radius
Cancel path           ESC           cancel path           N/A

[ Item Generation: Lazy & Misc ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Lazy generation           PAGE_UP           generate random items           N/A
Clear & lazy generation           CTRL + PAGE_UP           clear level, then generate random items           N/A
Shuffle selection           PAGE_DOWN           randomize location of selected items           N/A
Set focus on thumbnail list           SHIFT + INSER           set focus on the thumbnail list           N/A
Select entity           up+down+left+right arrows           navigate in thumbnail list
(can't select a Favorite thumbnail if 1:1-size list doesn't show Favorites)
Add selected entity to level           double-click on an entity in list
or press 'INSER' key
          add new entity to level
(if 2 entities are selected in level, then new entity is centered on X and Y)

[ Selection Tools ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Select a single entity           click on entity           **entity is selected           N/A
Select previous entity           <           **select the previously-inserted entity           N/A
Select next entity           >           **select the next-inserted entity           N/A
Multi-selection           click(+hold) + move mouse           **all entities within the specified area are added to selection           N/A
Extend selection           hold CTRL while selecting / deselecting           **hold/keep the current selection active for further actions on it
(for example, useful for adding new entities to the selection
or for removing specific entities from the current selection)
Reduce selection           hold ALT while selecting           **all entities under mouse's cursor are removed from selection           N/A
Select all entities           CTRL + a           **select all entities           N/A
Deselect all entities           CTRL + d
or click oustide selection
          **deselect all entities           N/A
Select overlapping entities           click + SHIFT           **all entities under mouse's cursor are selected           N/A
Select random entities           *           **select random entities           N/A
Select same entities           h           **select all the instances of the currently selected entities           N/A
Invert selection           SHIFT + i           **invert selection           N/A
Toggle selection-lock on/off           l           can't add or remove entities from a locked selection
(Cloned, Mirrored & Pasted entities are added to selection though)
Toggle "Freeze Selection" on/off           f           Frozen entities can't be modified (positions and attributes)           N/A
Toggle "Color Frozen Entities in Blue" on/off           SHIFT + f           fully fill frozen entities with a blue color           N/A
Loop through "Selection" modes (Forward)           ****Numpad 8           All > Terrains > Objects > Steel > No_Steel > etc...           N/A
Loop through "Selection" modes (Backward)           ****Numpad 7           ... > No_Steel > Steel > Objects > Terrains > All           N/A
Clear selection           q           **When performing a selection, deselect entities which are not kept
inside the rectangular area used for selection.
Also force 'Select Previous/Next Entity' tasks to perform
single-entity selections.

[ Move Tools ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Move selection           click(+hold) on a selection + move mouse           *selection moves           N/A
Move selection accurately           arrows           *selection is moved by the specified offset (GUI)           N/A
Move selection accurately (1px unit)           CTRL + arrows           *selection is moved by 1 pixel...
... or by the Terrains' autosnap value, if enabled
Constraint moves on X/Y axis           hold SHIFT while moving selection           selection's moves are constrained on X/Y axis           N/A

[ Edition Tools ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Swap entities           w           swap 2 selected entities' insertion index in level (invert display priority order)           N/A
Swap entity positions           SHIFT + w           swap the position of 2 selected entities           N/A
Toggle "background" on/off           ***a           turn the selection into a "Background" item           N/A
Toggle "foreground" on/off           ***u           turn the selection into a "Foreground" item           N/A
Toggle "invert left/right" on/off           ***CTRL + i           invert selection left/right           N/A
Toggle "invert up/down" on/off           i           invert selection up/down           N/A
Toggle "eraser" on/off           e           turn the selection into an eraser           N/A
Toggle "no overwrite" on/off           n           turn the selection into a "No Overwrite" item           N/A
Toggle "only on terrain" on/off           o           turn the selection into a "Only on Terrain" item           N/A
Mirror selection (vertical mirror axis)           m           mirror selection using a vertical mirror axis           N/A
Mirror selection (horizontal mirror axis)           CTRL + m           mirror selection using an horizontal mirror axis           N/A
Paste selection horizontally           CTRL + v           *paste selection horizontally, and deselect source-selection           N/A
Paste selection vertically           CTRL + n           *paste selection vertically, and deselect source-selection           N/A
Clone selection           CTRL + c           *clone selection, and deselect source-selection           N/A
Clone selection           SHIFT + c           *clone selection, and keep selected source-selection           N/A
Delete selection           DELETE           delete selection           N/A
Replace Terrains           r           replace selected Terrains with the specified new one           N/A
Adjust Steel entitiy's size           mouse's right button           adjust Steel entity's size.
adjust Steel with highest ID to set the size of many Steel entities at once.

[ Snap Grid ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Toggle snap grid on/off           when nothing selected,
press s
          display/hide the snap grid           N/A
Switch snap grid's units           SHIFT + u           switch snap grid's units (pixels or row/col's indexes)           N/A
adjust snapgrid settings
(accurate adjustments)
          when nothing selected,
use keyboard's arrows to adjust
snapgrid settings 1px by 1px
          adjust snapgrid settings 1px by 1px           N/A
Toggle "snap-to-entities" mode on/off           when at least one entity is selected,
press s
          display/hide the snap lines (snap to selected entities)
(vertical snaplines => horizontal snaplines => both => none)
Loop through built-in "Snap on X" settings           x           1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 16 > 24 > 32 > 48 > 64           N/A
Loop through built-in "Snap on Y" settings           y           1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 16 > 24 > 32 > 48 > 64           N/A
quick snap-settings (2x2 snap)           SHIFT + s           toggle quick snap settings on/off (2x2 snap)           N/A

[ Masks ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Toggle "Level Mask" on/off           k           when "On", display the level-mask           N/A
Toggle "Level Template (background image)" on/off           t           when "On", display the background image, if any has been loaded           N/A
Toggle "Visibility Mask" on/off           v           display/hide level's area that is larger than ingame dimensions           N/A
Toggle "Collision Mask" on/off           SHIFT + v           display/hide collision mask (could be used to quickly align objects)           N/A
Set collision mask's borders           when nothing selected,
SHIFT + drag mouse
          set collision mask's borders (the nearest border from the mouse)           N/A
Set collision mask's borders accurately
(1px unit)
          when nothing selected,
use arrows
(one arrow/border)
          set collision mask's borders (1px move)           N/A

[ GUI: Navigate in Lists ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Select "Terrain" entities           CTRL + t           select "Terrain" entities           N/A
Select "Object" entities           CTRL + o           select "Object" entities           N/A
Select "Steel" entities           CTRL + s           select "Steel" entities           N/A
Select "Favorite" entities           CTRL + f           select "Favorite" entities           N/A
Select "Group" entities           CTRL + g           select "Group" entities           N/A
Select "Helper" entities           CTRL + h           select "Helper" entities           N/A
Select entity           up+down arrows           after having used one of the CTRL+ shortcuts above,
press up or down arrow to navigate in 1:1-size list
Select entity           up+down+left+right arrows           if no entity is selected in level, press any arrow twice to navigate in thumbnail list           N/A
Add selected entity to level           INSER           add selected entity to level           N/A

[ Quick Moves ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Center level           c           center level           N/A
Go to level's start           HOME           go to level's start           N/A

[ Display Options ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Loop through "Graphic" layers (Forward)           ****Numpad 6           All > Terrains > Objects > Steel > No_Steel > etc...           N/A
Loop through "Graphic" layers (Backward)           ****Numpad 4           ... > No_Steel > Steel > Objects > Terrains > All           N/A
Switch between current "Graphic" layer and "All" layer           ****Numpad 5           switch between current "Graphic" layer and "All" layer           N/A
Toggle mirror axises & level's middle line on/off           ****Numpad 1           display/hide mirror axises + level's middle line           N/A
Toggle borders around entities on/off           ****Numpad 2           display/hide borders around selected entities           N/A
Toggle level map + texts on/off           ****Numpad 3           full display > light display > no map > no map + no text           N/A
Switch Steel's display priority           ****Numpad 9           switch Steel's display order (background or foreground)           N/A
Toggle "Ignore No_Overwrite" on/off           $           when "On", display level ignoring "NoO" attributes           N/A
Toggle "Ignore Only_on_Terrain" on/off           SHIFT + $           when "On", display level ignoring "OoT" attributes           N/A

[ Undo/Redo ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Undo           CTRL + z           undo (10 steps backward by default, but value is editable up to 99 in "config.ini" file)           N/A
Redo           CTRL + y           redo (10 steps forward by default, but value is editable up to 99 in "config.ini" file)           N/A

[ Quick Saves ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Quicksave selection           CTRL + F1 or F2 or F3 or F4           save selection in memory (not on computer's HD)           N/A
Quickload selection           F1 or F2 or F3 or F4           recall previously quicksaved selection           N/A
Quicksave complete level           CTRL + F5 or F6 or F7 or F8           save complete level in memory (not on computer's HD)           N/A
Quickload level           F5 or F6 or F7 or F8           recall previously quicksaved level           N/A

[ Favorites & Groups ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Make favorite           SHIFT + '+'           selection is added to the list of Favorites           N/A
Remove favorite           SHIFT + double-click on a Favorite           selected Favorite is removed from the list of Favorites           N/A
Group entities           ***g           selected entities are grouped into a new single entity,
and this new entity is added to the list of Groups
(only Terrains and Groups can be used in Groups: no Object, no Steel)
Remove Group           ***SHIFT + g
or SHIFT + double-click on a Group
          selected Group is removed from the list of Groups           N/A

[ Misc ]
Action Control Description Screenshot
Load random level           F11           load random level (from last opened dir)           N/A
Reload current level           F12           reload current level           N/A
Reset level-editor           CTRL + r           reset level-editor           N/A
Close level-editor           CTRL + w           close level-editor           N/A

* : feature compatible with snap grid.
** : if current selection is not locked.
*** : feature only available in "Advanced" mode (not in "Lemmings" mode).
**** : make sure to have keyboard's "Num Lock" activated.